Using Customer Reviews to reward your IT Helpdesk Team

Month: August 2016

Using Customer Reviews to reward your IT Helpdesk Team

Recently we were looking at our completed ticket count for the month and trying to gauge the user’s satisfactory level in how our tickets are completed. It is very difficult for us to currently receive end user constructive feedback after a ticket has been resolved as generally, our resolution procedure is to enter a public facing note to the end user informing them their issue has been resolved and to let us know if they...
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BPO Outsourcing and Hiring IT Helpdesk Team members

While developing and growing within our first year as an Outsourced  Center in Guyana we have quickly learned how important it is to ensure that we implement an orientation and onboarding strategy when hiring new team members to our Outsourcing IT Help Desk family. We had focused a lot of our energies in refining and developing our interview process. Placed a high value on assessment of skills based on a few IT scenarios we encounter on...
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